

Seriously... Show Me Someone Who Isn't Creative.

Pronunciation: \krē-ˈā-tiv, ˈkrē-ˌ\
Function: adjective
Date: 1678
1 : marked by the ability or power to create
Definition from Merriam-Webster Dictionary
While walking over to the library today, I took a stroll down good ole Memory Lane.  Writing was by no means my strong suit in grade school (at least in the eyes of my teachers).  I hated receiving graded papers back, because of those cursed notes that they would leave.  Who hasn't received the dreaded "lacks creativity" comment on a term paper?

Projects... don't even get me started on projects!  One of the most traumatizing times of my early scholastic career was when I had to do presentations for an "Advanced" class.  I had a teacher who would literally take me out of the classroom as soon as I had finished, move me to an empty room, and yell at me (this was a continual thing).  Here I was, 10 years old, being scolded on not putting enough effort.  Chicken with its head cut off.

Now many reading this would say that some people just aren't creative.  And I think that's complete bull.

First, let's take a look at how creativity is graded.  Read that last statement again.  Okay, now out loud.  Come on, no one is looking.  Alright, do that peripheral quick glance just to make sure. 

Do you see the issue here?  Can you really grade something that is completely subjective?  So I got a few bad grades in school and now I'm looking for vengeance... what does this have to do with anything?

Do not ever let anyone tell you that you are not creative.  Human beings are inherently creative; we have the ability and power to construct whatever we want with the resources available, whether it be a term paper, a hearty meal, or a lifestyle.  And the people who are quick to grade you for it do not matter, because creativity is a relative concept.  At the end of the day, how proud you are of what you have created is all that matters.

Now let's get to the bigger issue...
Did you really just check to see if anybody was around?