

The Beauty of Benchmarks.

Today, I took a fitness test.  I get graded on how well I complete push-ups, sit-ups, and a 1.5 mile run.  For my job, it's essential that I at least hit the minimum required standards for my age group.  However, they also have a rating system if you go above that initial mark. 

I like to push myself when it comes to this kind of stuff (blame it on my history with sports), so every time the test comes around I check my scores.  And this is why I love benchmarks... Every time I test, I get to see if I have progressed, stayed about the same shape, or have faltered.  Then, I plan out what I can do to either get back on track or improve. 

Using an objective measurement can help keep you motivated when a task becomes mundane.  This is why measuring inches from your waist leads to better success in fat loss than just looking at your tummy in the mirror.  I do the same thing with my finances.  Every 3 months I do a net worth calculation and compare it to my expected benchmark, then adjust accordingly.  The progress helps me feel that my efforts have been justified.

The biggest reason why benchmark setting is successful in my own life is that it helps take the long term accomplishments that I eventually will achieve and breaks them down into short term checks.  So once you have established specifically what you want to do, use benchmarks to keep you on your path.
Note:  This test score was a slight decline from my last.  I have some work to do.