

Putting Yourself Out There.

There are times when you will come across a person who says they are lucky to be in the situation they are in.  Whether it is in their job, their mate, their wealth, etc. they feel as though they were in the right place at the right time to receive such great things in their lives.

We can't control luck.  When we wish for it, it seems we never get it.  And when we least expect it, it makes its presence known.  So how do we become lucky people?  We put ourselves out there.

You have to take chances and extend yourself to possibilities.  The more opportunities we give ourselves to succeed, the more chances luck will strike.  We can't control being in the right place at the right time... but we can control the places we are at and the amount of time we spend at each.  Make an effort to put yourself in those positive opportune areas and give it enough time, and something positive will strike.  But it's the risk of putting yourself out there that gives you the ability to receive amazing rewards.