

It's Not About Conformity vs. Non-Conformity...

This is about finding your own path - one you will be satisfied with.

I've seen a lot of lifestyle designer ("copyright") blogs throw around the word non-comformity liberally, and in turn receiving some backlash.  The usual argument goes like this:
"Well... you all are just forming another group... so who's the conformist now?"
Now this argument is based mostly on the view that anyone who strays from the predicated norm automatically judges those who do not share in their ideas.  I will agree that there are a few who spoil it for the rest of us, but many people who live outside of the norm could care less on how the normal live.  The question becomes motivation; am I doing this to be rebellious for its own sake, or am I doing this because I have other callings than what has been presented to me thus far?  Many would agree with the latter.

In my own experience, the people who get angry or bitter about what I do with my own life are the ones who seem a little bit unsure about their own.  It is just human nature for us to take something and combine it with our own experiences to form an opinion.  When there are no experiences to draw from, the fear of the unknown takes its place to fill the void.  Some face that void head on.  Others write that void off.  But if it works, it works.

My point is that the journey is full of choices, but arguing about how much more/less unique those choices are is futile.  I just make a choice and live with it.  The true value is in the ability to make choices in the first place, and making sure that they align with what's important to you in this lifetime.