

What's Holding You Back.

I came across an article in the March issue of Men's Health last night that really struck a chord with me. In summation, the writer, who interviews people who have "made it" in this world, argues that cynicism is what keeps us from being successful in our lives. To be a truly elite performer, you are required to possess a sincere belief in the cause, your ability, and the venue in which your performance happens. I most certainly agree.

We can complain about how we've been dealt a bad hand in life, how our career is going nowhere, how our relationships aren't what they should be, etc. This world has a lot of ways to break us down, and it's easy to hate her for our circumstances. And why not? The times that sting us the most are the ones where we truly put ourselves out there, completely vulnerable, and get shot down. And it is sure as hell hard to get over.

There are two ways you can approach this situation. You can stop being vulnerable and play it safe. Or you can pick yourself up and take another bold risk. Most choose the former. How do I know this? Listen to the way someone talks, and after getting past the chit-chat you'll be able to find out which choice they continue to make. I know tons of people who will literally spend their free time socializing about how many problems they have or the injustices that have been bestowed upon them, commiserating with each other as a form of bonding.

The fact of the matter is that you can vent, moan, gripe, and hate all you want, but you're just wasting your time and energy. Every moment you have in this one precious life is your opportunity to accomplish many great things. If you feel like you are destined for greatness, you have to have a sincere belief in yourself and the direction you're heading towards, and then take action.

We all have the opportunity for greatness… most of us just don’t believe we can truly achieve it.